fastISM package

fastISM takes a Keras model as input. The main steps of fastISM are as follows:

  1. One-time Initialization (fastISM.fast_ism_utils.generate_models()):
  1. For each batch of input sequences:

See How fastISM Works for a more intuitive understanding of the algorithm.

ism_base module

This module contains a base ISM class, from which the NaiveISM and FastISM classes inherit. It also includes implementation of NaiveISM.

class fastISM.ism_base.ISMBase(model, seq_input_idx=0, change_ranges=None)

Bases: object

get_ith_output(inp_batch, i, idxs_to_mutate)
pre_change_range_loop_prep(inp_batch, num_seqs)
class fastISM.ism_base.NaiveISM(model, seq_input_idx=0, change_ranges=None)

Bases: fastISM.ism_base.ISMBase

get_ith_output(inp_batch, i, idxs_to_mutate)
pre_change_range_loop_prep(inp_batch, num_seqs)

fast_ism module

This module contains the FastISM class.

class fastISM.fast_ism.FastISM(model, seq_input_idx=0, change_ranges=None, early_stop_layers=None, test_correctness=True)

Bases: fastISM.ism_base.ISMBase

get_ith_output(inp_batch, i, idxs_to_mutate)
pre_change_range_loop_prep(inp_batch, num_seqs)
prepare_intout_output(intout_output, num_seqs)
prepare_ith_input(padded_inputs, i, idxs_to_mutate)
test_correctness(batch_size=10, replace_with=0, atol=1e-06)

Verify that outputs are correct by matching with Naive ISM. Running on small examples so as to not take too long.

Hence not comparing runtime against Naive ISM implementation, which requires bigger inputs to offset overheads.

TODO: ensure generated data is on GPU already before calling either method (for speedup)


fast_ism_utils module

class fastISM.fast_ism_utils.GraphSegment(start_node, input_seqlen, input_perturbed_ranges)

Bases: object

update_forward_output(input_unperturbed_slices, input_unperturbed_padding, output_seqlen, output_perturbed_ranges)
class fastISM.fast_ism_utils.SliceAssign(a_dim, b_dim)

Bases: tensorflow.python.keras.engine.base_layer.Layer


GOAL: a[:,i:min(i+b.shape[1], a.shape[1])] = b clip b if i+b.shape[1] exceeds width of a, guarantee width of output is same as a. This could happen when a layer’s output (b) feeds into multiple layers, but some layers don’t need all positions of b (can happen near the edges). See test_skip_then_mxp of test/

For Cropping1D layers, i can also be negative, which needs to be handled separately.

Parameters:inputs ([type]) – [description]
Return type:[type]
fastISM.fast_ism_utils.compute_segment_change_ranges(model, nodes, edges, inbound_edges, node_to_segment, stop_segment_idxs, input_seqlen, input_filters, input_change_ranges, seq_input_idx)

for each segment, given input change range compute (ChangeRangesBase.forward_compose):

  • input range of intermediate output required
  • offsets for input tensor wrt intermediate output
  • output seqlen
  • output change range
  • number of filters in output.

Starts only from sequence input that is changed. Does not deal with alternate inputs.

Forward propagation through network one segment at a time till a segment in stop_segments_idxs is hit. Computes the change ranges for each segment and propagates to the next segment.

fastISM.fast_ism_utils.generate_fast_ism_model(model, nodes, edges, inbound_edges, outputs, node_to_segment, stop_segment_idxs, alternate_input_segment_idxs, segments)
fastISM.fast_ism_utils.generate_fast_ism_subgraph(current_node, node_edge_to_tensor, input_tensors, input_specs, nodes, edges, inbound_edges, node_to_segment, stop_segment_idxs, alternate_input_segment_idxs, segments)
fastISM.fast_ism_utils.generate_intermediate_output_model(model, nodes, edges, inbound_edges, outputs, node_to_segment, stop_segment_idxs)
fastISM.fast_ism_utils.generate_intermediate_output_subgraph(current_node, node_to_tensor, output_tensor_names, nodes, edges, inbound_edges, node_to_segment, stop_segment_idxs)
fastISM.fast_ism_utils.generate_models(model, seqlen, num_chars, seq_input_idx, change_ranges, early_stop_layers=None)
fastISM.fast_ism_utils.label_alternate_input_segment_idxs(current_node, nodes, edges, node_to_segment, stop_segment_idxs, alternate_input_segment_idxs, segment_idx)
fastISM.fast_ism_utils.label_stop_descendants(current_node, nodes, edges, node_to_segment, segment_idx)
fastISM.fast_ism_utils.process_alternate_input_node(current_node, node_edge_to_tensor, input_tensors, input_specs, nodes, edges, inbound_edges, node_to_segment, alternate_input_segment_idxs)

For AGGREGATE_LAYERS such as Add, the different inputs have different change ranges. For the change ranges, take the largest range over all input ranges:

e.g. [ [(1,3), (4,6)], [(2,4), (4,5)] ] -> [(1,4), (3,6)]
input1 -^ input2 -^
Parameters:input_change_ranges_list – list of list of tuples. Inner lists must

have same length, where each ith tuple corresponds to ith mutation in the input (ith input change range). :type input_change_ranges_list: list[list[tuple]] :return: Resolved input change ranges. All ranges must have the same width. :rtype: list[tuple]

fastISM.fast_ism_utils.segment_model(model, nodes, edges, inbound_edges, seq_input_idx, early_stop_layers)
fastISM.fast_ism_utils.segment_subgraph(current_node, nodes, edges, inbound_edges, node_to_segment, stop_segment_idxs, segment_idx, num_convs_in_cur_segment)
fastISM.fast_ism_utils.update_stop_segments(current_node, nodes, edges, node_to_segment, stop_segment_idxs)

change_range module

class fastISM.change_range.ChangeRangesBase(config)

Bases: object

Base class for layer-specific computations of which indices of the output are changed when list of input changed indices are specified. Conversely, given output ranges of indices that need to be produced by the layer, compute the input ranges that will be required for the same.

In addition, given an input….

TODO: document better and with examples!

forward(input_seqlen, input_change_ranges)

list of tuples. e.g. [(0,1), (1,2), (2,3)…] if single bp ISM

static forward_compose(change_ranges_objects_list, input_seqlen, input_change_ranges)
class fastISM.change_range.Conv1DChangeRanges(config)

Bases: fastISM.change_range.ChangeRangesBase

forward(input_seqlen, input_change_ranges)

list of tuples. e.g. [(0,1), (1,2), (2,3)…] if single bp ISM

class fastISM.change_range.Cropping1DChangeRanges(config)

Bases: fastISM.change_range.ChangeRangesBase

forward(input_seqlen, input_change_ranges)

list of tuples. e.g. [(0,1), (1,2), (2,3)…] if single bp ISM

class fastISM.change_range.Pooling1DChangeRanges(config)

Bases: fastISM.change_range.ChangeRangesBase

forward(input_seqlen, input_change_ranges)

list of tuples. e.g. [(0,1), (1,2), (2,3)…] if single bp ISM

fastISM.change_range.get_int_if_tuple(param, idx=0)

flatten_model module

This module implements functions required to take an arbitrary Keras model and reduce them to a graph representation that is then manipulated by fast_ism_utils.

fastISM.flatten_model.get_flattened_graph(model, is_subgraph=False)


  • model ([type]) – [description]
  • is_subgraph (bool, optional) – [description], defaults to False


Return type:


fastISM.flatten_model.is_consistent(edges, inbound_edges)

Checks if layer is an input layer

Parameters:layer (tf.keras.layers) – A Keras layer
Returns:True if layer is input layer, else False
Return type:bool
fastISM.flatten_model.list_replace(l, old, new)
fastISM.flatten_model.strip_subgraph_names(name, subgraph_names)

subgraph_name1/subgraph_name2/layer/name -> layer/name

fastISM.flatten_model.viz_graph(nodes, edges, outpath)